Singapore City Art Fair 新加坡城市艺术博览会

Singapore City Art Fair
Welcome 欢迎
Welcome 欢迎
As a developed, active asian economy, culture, and art center, Singapore should have a unique art expo belonging to this city. This will be adding a new cultural business card to the city. The Singapore City Art Fair is thus born.

The Singapore City Art Fair is characterized as:

1. New window for Singapore International Cultural and Art Exchange
2. Targeting outstanding artists, art institutions, galleries, etc.
3. Artist's art market incubation platform.

Singapore City Art Fair will create a communication bridge for the artists, art institutions, international galleries and work transactions to sharing high-end artistic resources.




About Singapore 关于新加坡
About Singapore
Singapore is the intersection of Eastern and Western cultures. Singapore is located at the southernmost point of the Asia continent. Due to its unique geographical location and history, it has become the intersection of Eastern and Western cultures.

Geographically, Singapore is located in the center of Southeast Asia and is an important international trade port. The tourism and service industries here are famous, and the international transportation is very advanced. In terms of economy, as the only developed country in Southeast Asia, Singapore has as many as 4,200 wealthy people with a net wealth of more than US$30 million, and nearly 30 billionaires with a net wealth of more than US$1 billion (Knight Franck 2022). Singapore's finance and business have also attracting surrounding countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, and the Philippines, and wealth groups from these neighboring countries have long time history gathering here.


地理上,新加坡位居东南亚的中心,是重要的国际贸易口岸,这里的旅游业、服务业成熟,国际交通非常发达。 经济方面,作为东南亚地区唯一的发达国家,新加坡净值达到3000万美元以上的超高净值人士有4,200名之多,净值10亿美元以上的富翁近30名(Knight Franck 2022)。新加坡的金融和商业也辐射到了周边的马来西亚、印度尼西亚、菲律宾等国家,这里长期汇聚来自这些邻国的财富群体。
New Opportunities 新的机会
New opportunities
Even facing the covid-19 epidemic, Singapore was the first country in Southeast Asia to open up, attracting many international companies. It is predicted that by 2030, Singapore will become the country with the highest proportion of domestic millionaires in the Asia-Pacific region. The flow of talent and capital has continuously injected new blood into the art market of this Lion City. As a result, the purchasing power of regional art will be moving to in new growth, and art trading will also properous to another high level.

The opportunity cannot be missed, the time cannot wait, join our platform, find accurate resources, and promote the development and prosperity of the art industry together.


ACAF 新加坡城市艺术博览会
SCAF 新加坡城市艺博会
Singapore City Art Fair is also known as hotel art fair. It is a high-quality art collection and trading platform built in hotel rooms. Using name of the city, with an international hotel as a platform, and exquisite guest rooms as a display space, the residential style of life and artworks are properly integrated to create a new exhibition form and collection transaction concept, and at the same time make art truly "down-to-earth" .

Hotel-type art fair first appeared in the United States, and later became popular in Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, etc., and have become one of the important exhibition and trading platforms in the art exhibition area. And because of the context and convenience of its display, it is loved by art buyers, participating artists, and galleries


Who shall join 参展对象
Who shall join
Who shall attend Singapore City Art Fair as Exhibitors?

Individual artist
Art institutions (gallery, art school, art group), etc.

艺术机构(画廊 艺术院校 艺术团体) 等
What shall be exhibited 参展作品
What shall be exhibited
The categories of exhibited works include

Painting 绘画
Sculpture 雕塑
Photography 摄影
Installation art 装置艺术
Art design product 艺术设计产品
Art Derivatives 艺术衍生品
New media 新媒体
Antique 古董
Jewelry 珠宝
Luxury goods, etc. 奢侈品等
Schedule 日程安排

Schedule 日程安排
Venue:  Singapore Shangri-la Hotel (Preliminary) Exhibition Date: 5-8 January 2024 Exhibition schedule: Day 1: Exhibition VIP Exhibition Welcome Dinner Day Two: Public Exhibition Day 3: Public Exhibition Day 4: Dismantling
第一天:布展 VIP 展 欢迎晚宴


Registration Form
